Happy new 2025 year Happy new 2025 year STRONG Singles! 😁🙋♀️(Singles Together Refreshing Ourselves/Others Needing God)
This 2025 year, we will continue our Thursday 6pm gatherings at Mason crossroads lobby on the second week and the fourth week of every month. The second week we will review the message and the fourth week. We might review some of the key ideas that are being discussed in the SOAK meetings that are discussing the book called “Seven Myths about Singleness” by Sam Allberry. (see below information on this book and meetings that You can go attend also-)
Or, depending, on the second meeting of the month which is the fourth Thursday in the Crossroads lobby area, we also may have some scriptures to pull on a subject related to the message and Discussion-questions that we have going on in that months Crossroads messages.
Then, *BONUS* Because you are an any age single, you also can participate in the following meetings:
Come "SOAK" In encouraging positive energy (Singles Overboard All about Jesus' Kindness to us aka REFRESH) for Any age single will meets next on Monday January 20 or the third Monday of the month because January 6 has been canceled because of the snowstorm.
We have changed our SOAK meetings to the first and third Monday of each month, at 6:15 so that we could have a room and regular meetings in one place every time with a concentration on discussion and enjoying time together discussing the information from the following book:
Seven Myths about Singleness by Sam Allberry
“Far too often, the church regarding single Christians as people who need to be fixed or fixed up.”
By R. Butterfield, Professor,Syracuse University, author of: “the gospel comes with a house key”
“Allberry rights to remove the stigma from the idea of singleness…”
By R.D.Moore, president, of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission…
Allberry shows us “ how we can stop chasing the myths that break our hearts.”
By R. Ortlund, laid pastor, Emmanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee
“Allberry flushes out the several hidden, barely conscious assumptions about singleness and celibacy that control our attitudes towards single living. Once he makes these assumptions visible, he uses the Bible to dismantle them and show us a better way. “
By T.J.Keller, Pastor Emeritus , Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New York City
“Allberry, in true form, doesn’t waste a single word in seven minutes about single mess. His tone, structure, humor, and biblical undergirding make this book one of the best on the subject in recent years. Not only has Alberry thought hard about the subject of sigleness, he has lived it and continues to glorify Christ in it. Too often, books on singleness still make marriage – or at least becoming marriageable – the point. There’s none of that in here. Instead, he dissembles the lies in which the unmarried can find themselves trapped, showing the abundant life Christ offers to every single person.”
By L.F. Wilbert author, “handle with Care: why Jesus came to touch and how we should too”
One of the introduction and first chapter questions we review on January 20 would be, “Is singleness too hard?”
We will work through getting to know each other better as well as discussions for practical takeaways on about one or more chapters every month.
Since there is currently no room granted for our Singles group at Mason Crossroads and we have found a church who is willing to grant a room to Singles we will meet regularly on Mondays twice a month at Tri County Vineyard. 11340 Century Circle 45246
The plan is to meet Every first and third Monday of every month at this same room and location.*Participation is key to Enjoying our groups.*
Please come in the
playground entrance between 6:15pm-8:30pm. to room B135 until the end of May. You will come in the playground entrance and then head through the glass doors and turn right. B135 is one of the first classrooms to the right when you enter. I or a greeter will meet you and we will get started on our discussion and Group at 6:30 until 8:30.
Our first group will start the third week Monday January 20, 2025 at 6:15 starting promptly at 6:30. On our first meeting January 20 we mainly will be getting to know you, a discussion about a chapter and your thoughts regarding being single.*Participation is key to Enjoying our groups.*
Note : You do not have to buy a book if you don’t want to and can come and just discuss and learn. We will try to have interesting questions, and good fellowship with an opportunity to develop relationships. *Participation is key to Enjoying our groups.*
Since everyone is busy, I totally understand if you can’t get to every group. So come when you get a chance because the more you come, the more you will get to know people, grow voice, your thoughts and understandings and as the reviews mentioned, just come to be free of the lies, that may be trapping you or holding you back related to single living.*Participation is key to Enjoying our groups.*
Please bring your Questions to the meeting and help me develop this group to be your group by sharing yourself, your thoughts and any suggestions to make things better. For my View we all need each other so I hope you will come and help this be a rich and meaningful regular time together fun growing and being a Singles Community together in 2025.
Please pray for us to get closer to God and to one another in our times together. I pray for you daily.
Wishing you good health, happiness, peace, and love all of 2025 and beyond🎊😘🫶❣️
See you Mondays😁 Crystal
Luke 17:21 nor will people say “there it is “or “there it is “because the kingdom of God is within you. “
Romans 5: 7 & 8: God demonstrates his love for us in this… while we were still sinners Christ died for us.
Acts 10:43. All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.
Some 107:8 let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men.
Philippians 4:23. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
If you are new, look for balloons in the lobby.