Working Mom's
doing things meeting people growing spiritually
As mom's we need the opportunity to dive deeper into our connection with God, sometimes that means with the kids there. The purpose of Mom's PM is to be able to come, with your kiddos in tow, to get some time with other mom's in God's word. We invite all mom's who work and want to be able to get encouraged without the worry of childcare. We've got that taken care of. Our group is made up on mom's in all stages of motherhood. From newborn babies to high schoolers. The kids will be able to play, safely while being cared for. You'll get to have an adult conversation, while filling your spiritual cup, and enjoying a dinner you didn't make. We start our group with prayer, any prayer requests, and any answered prayers. We will enjoy some praise and worship, then transition into discussion together, and working through the trenches of motherhood in prayer and praise.

Josette S.