Single/ 20-90/mason
doing things meeting people growing spiritually
❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ REFRESH/SOAK Renewing Enjoyment Freedom Relationships Energy Singles strength and Health in Jesus  a.k.a. Singles Overboard All about Jesus' Kindness to us 1st & 3rd Thursday every month for Singles Tuesdays to look forward to🎉 ❤️🎉Get your Creative On👍🏼😎 DE-Stress, get Wiser and Experience more Health and Connect in some new way:  Are you more interested in living for Jesus more than you are in finding a single person on Earth to meet your needs😁❓ Are you interested in doing things that are relaxing like easy to do art, nature walks, pot lucks and discussion of scripture to help you have positive experiences and let go of nagging stressful feelings? Are you interested in building Community with other singles of any age? Are you accepting and not judging of other Christian single people who aren’t perfect yet? Do you want to walk alongside and care about others who are single? Can you spare two evenings a month to do this? This is a group for single people who know they are not perfect, who want to forgive and be forgiven (let go&let God), who want to have fun doing a variety of different things together just to get together, to smile, laugh and have a relaxing time together. Does this sound like you? Remember, this is for any age Single. Our aim is Growing together To enjoy the life, love and hope we can find in Jesus as our main focus. Group Guidelines As a member of this group, I agree to be helpful and considerate of myself and others. I will: - do everything I can do to make sure this is a safe and healthy group for everyone that comes make sure everyone has time to share, limiting my shares if they're too long & detailed compared to the others Do my part so everyone has time to share Do my part to help everyone feel safe Listen well and not give unsolicited advice Get permission before touching or hugging Get permission before sharing photos of any group member on social media Recognize my healthy “no thanks” is as important as a yes. Attend as often as it is reasonably possible. Pray for Church leadership and for God to let his kingdom come and will be done throughout the world Can you agree? if so, you are welcome to try our group & see if it fits you. For your considerations: Where are we supposed to think about? Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. September 3&17 dates for REFRESH New Testament, Psalms and Proverbs.

Crystal P.