"Every Man a Warrior" book 1, titled "Walking with God," is a 10-week discipleship course designed to equip men with foundational skills to navigate life's challenges by focusing on developing a strong relationship with God through practices like dedicated quiet time, meditating on scripture, prayer, and applying biblical principles to daily life, laying the groundwork for addressing more specific issues in later books regarding marriage, finances, and work.
Focus on spiritual foundation:
The primary goal is to establish a consistent practice of personal Bible study and prayer, enabling men to better understand God's will and apply it to their lives.
Practical skills development:
The book teaches specific methods for quiet time, including how to identify key verses, reflect on their meaning, and translate them into actionable steps.
Real-life application:
The curriculum incorporates stories and scenarios relatable to men's everyday struggles, demonstrating how biblical principles can be applied to real-life situations.