Authentic Black Women (ABW) | All Ages | Oakley
doing things meeting people growing spiritually
This group is for you, Black women at Crossroads! The purpose of this group is to discuss, share, celebrate our unique culture and identify ways we can integrate these customs into our daily lives while working, worshipping, and networking in a diverse community. This group will create a safe space to support each other as Black women. We will discuss our cultural traumas and ways we can heal, forgive, and navigate our way forward as Christians. We will identify ways we can create and incorporate new traditions and experiences within our culture. We will share ways to lovingly mange family discord, family estrangement, or isolation, which may occur in our families as a result of our evolution. Lets do this thing called life, TOGETHER! The Sistas will connect every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7 pm via TEAM meeting (virtually) as opportunity to connect, check-in, and pray. Have something fun you'd like to do? Want to try a new class? Want to try a bootcamp? Want to attend a concert? Want to go to brunch? Feel free to host or organize an event or outing for the group so, we can get to know each other and have fun!

Maleshia N.